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Fall 2021 Research and Creative Showcase

beth ferriAs I put together this newsletter and gear up for the new academic year, I can’t help but reflect on the year just past—one where we survived a global pandemic and the rapid shift to teaching online. One where many of us committed or recommitted to anti-racist pedagogy and practice and spent the summer filling in gaps in our knowledge, revising syllabi, attending workshops and webinars, or simply taking stock of harms we experienced or inadvertently caused. Some of us lost loved ones to COVID or were separated from family or friends. It was a lot. And yet, through all of this, we still have much to celebrate and recognize in terms of faculty accomplishments. In my first newsletter as ADR, I have decided focus on research and creative work that engages or amplifies our key signature areas (Inclusive and Anti-racist Pedagogy and Practice and Digital Pedagogy and Practice). I also highlight some notable awards, honors and accomplishments and conclude with a few funding, training, and other scholarly opportunities that have broad relevance across our various programs and departments. I apologize if I missed any of your work—please be sure to use the SOE news portal to submit any publications or creative accomplishments so I can catch it for the next newsletter. I look forward to working with you all this year! Reach out to me anytime.

—Beth A. Ferri, ADR

Celebrating SOE Faculty Awards, Honors, and Accomplishments

Eunjung Kim (CFE) was awarded an Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Award (2021) and the Society for the Humanities Fellowship at Cornell University (2021-2022). As a part of Kim’s project, A Crip Sensorial Ecology of Dying and Afterlife Companions, she will teach a course on the theme of afterlives and will be working on her second book project about the political functions of “dignity” constructed around the conditions of death and the phenomenon of “dying alone” in relation to posthumous care in South Korea and beyond.

Sharif Bey (T&L/VPA) has an upcoming solo exhibition, Sharif Bey: Excavations, which opens at the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh, PA from this October through March, 2022. Bey was also invited to contribute to the exhibition THIS IS AMERICA at the kunstraum Potsdam gallery in Berlin, Germany. Several of Bey’s sculptures were also recently acquired by the Everson Museum of Art in Syracuse and by the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, TX.

Qiu Wang (Higher Ed) received funding from the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders for a three-year investigation, “The Influence of Contextual and Constitutional Emotional Processes on Speech Motor Control and Speech Motor Practice Effects in Early Childhood Stuttering” (2021-2024).

Beth Myers (T&L), assistant professor of inclusive education, received the 2021-2022 Meredith Teaching Recognition Award for Early Performance.

Books Published by SOE Faculty

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George Theoharis (T&L) (along with co-authors) published Five Practices for Equity-Focused School Leadership. (ASCD, 2021).
A comprehensive guide for school leaders seeking to engage their school communities in transformative systemic change. Organized around five key practices designed to increase educational equity and eliminate marginalization based on race, disability, socioeconomics, language, gender and sexual identity, and religion, the book offers “disruptive practices” to replace the status quo in order to achieve full inclusion and educational excellence for every child.

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Beth A. Ferri (T&L) (with co-editor D.J. Connor) published How Teaching Shapes Our Thinking about Disabilities: Stories from the Field. (Peter Lang Publishers, 2021).
In this collection, Ferri & Connor bring together twenty contributors who share deeply personal and powerful stories about the lasting lessons they took away from their early experiences of teaching students with dis/abilities in K-12 settings. Connecting their early teaching experiences to their later research, the authors and editors share how they came to reclaim, reframe, and reimagine disability as a natural part of human diversity connected to intersecting issues of access and equity.

Signature Area Scholarship Highlights: Inclusive and Anti-Racist Pedagogy and Practice

Sultan Kilinc (T&L) (and coauthor, E. Karsli-Calamak) published “Becoming the teacher of a refugee child: Teachers’ evolving experiences in Turkey” in the International Journal of Inclusive Education (2021, 25:2). Conducting fieldwork in a public school located in a disadvantaged neighborhood in the capital city of Turkey with a dense population of Syrian refugee students, Kilinc and her colleague used Fraser’s three-dimensional social justice framework dimensions–redistribution, recognition, and representation–to look at teacher practices along a continuum of inclusivity-oriented to exclusion-oriented actions. The study contributes to creating a dialogue about inclusive education in terms of imagining new ways to support refugee children and their teachers.

Courtney Mauldin (T&L) (and coauthor, L.L. Johnson) published a chapter in The Handbook of Critical Theoretical Research Methods in Education. Her chapter is entitled, “Black lives mattering in and out of schools: Anti-Black racism, racial violence, and a hope for black imagination in educational research,” Mauldin and her coauthor offer Critical Race English Education (CREE) as a way to center and affirm the mattering of Black lives in the classroom and in educational research. They also offer ways that educators and researchers might grapple with the omnipresence of anti-Black violence in schools and educational research, while inviting them to consider their own epistemological and ideological stances before engaging in teaching and research.  

Caroline O’Hara (CHS) (with coauthors C.Y. Chang & A.L. Giordano) published, “Multicultural Competence in Counseling Research: The Cornerstone of Scholarship” in the Journal of Counseling and Development (2021, 99:2). Whether acknowledged or not, O’Hara and colleagues argue that the dynamics of power, privilege, oppression, and culture permeate all aspects of counseling research. Dismantling myths related to multicultural research, they share examples of high-quality, culturally responsive research as well as considerations for promoting multicultural competence and advocacy.

David Pérez II (CFE) (with co-authors) published “Temporalities of [no] harm: navigating trauma through research with minoritized populations in higher education” in the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (2021, 34:1). Using collaborative autoethnography, four scholars with minoritized identities explore the impact of harm and/or trauma when engaging in research alongside minoritized student populations. Drawing on affect theory, four key temporalities of harm emerged: (a) harm as temporal; (b) harm as affective; (c) harm as embodied; and (d) harm as shared.

Susan Thomas (CFE) published “Difference and dissent in the neoliberal university: relational geographies of race, caste, and violence” in the journal Discourse. Drawing from critical geography, Thomas examines two much-publicized instances of tensions occurring on college campuses: one concerning Black students at Washington DC’s American University and the other centered around Dalit students at Hyderabad’s University of Hyderabad. She argues that such moments work dialectically with the project of neoliberalizing the university, serving to reproduce race and caste difference and regulate student political life.

Melissa Luke (CHS) published several articles in Counselor Education and Supervision including an article (published with P. Zhu and Jim Bellini) titled, “A grounded Theory Analysis of Cultural Humility in Counseling and Counselor Education,” which examines the implications of developing cultural humility, addressing microaggressions, and reflecting on critical incidents within therapeutic settings.

Signature Area Scholarship Highlights: Digital Pedagogy and Practice

Moon-Heum Cho (IDD&E) (with colleagues) published several articles including “Preservice teachers’ motivation profiles, self-regulation, and affective outcomes in online learning” in the journal Distance Education (2021, 42:1).  In a one-way multivariate analysis of variance, Cho and his coauthor explored the relationship between student motivation and self-regulation in online classes. His other publications included “Student characteristics and learning and teaching factors predicting affective and motivational outcomes in flipped college classrooms in Studies in Higher Education (2021, 46:3) and “Predicting fourth grade digital reading comprehension: A secondary data analysis of (e)PIRLS 2016 in the International Journal of Educational Research (2001, 105).

Tiffany Koszalka (IDD&E) (with her collaborators) published, “The informed use of pre-work activities in collaborative asynchronous online discussions: The exploration of idea exchange, content focus, and deep learning” in Computers in Education. Results of their study showed that pre-work activities involving what they called socio-cognitive scaffolding resulted in higher ordered learning and engagement with content-related materials in online classes.

Jing Lei (IDD&E) (with J. Cheng) published, “A description of students’ commenting behaviours in an online blogging activity” in the journal E-Learning and Digital Media (2021, 18:2). Using Social Network Analysis and a class blogging activity, Lei and her co-author examined student engagement in an online graduate-level course and how that engagement changed during the semester as a result of particular pedagogical choices.

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